Inktober 2017 – Day 02 – Mr. Pokemon and the Mystery Egg
I started playing my new Pokemon game now. Boy it sure took a lot of resets to get a female Chikorita.
The start of the game sure has a lot of people giving you stuff.
- Here is your Poke’Gear
- Take this starter pokemon
- Take this potion
- Put this map card in your Poke’Gear
- Deliver this Mystery Egg
- Here, have some Poke’ Balls.
Your poor protagonist will get back problems from carrying around all this stuff. Add in all the berries I found and things I bought too.
Anyway today’s picture portrays the enigmatic Mr. Pokemon giving you the Mystery Egg to deliver to professor Elm.
Any ideas for tomorrow’s image. Or should I just continue with Pokemon stuff. Today I used a brush for some of the inking. Still on the watercolor on top kick.